Theaters in Southeastern MA are reviewed on this site. Reviewers are encouraged to submit donated theater reviews in other areas. If you own or manage a theater in southeastern MA and would like to be reviewed, advertise with, or discuss a review, contact the webmaster.

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We rate movies on the heart system. Movies are graded on how romantic they are, how likely they are to appeal to both sexes, humor, sentimentality, and "warm fuzziness."
Ideal date movie! Take your sweetie!
Pretty good date movie. Not bad...
Mediocre date movie. Rental?
Not a great date movie. Skip it...
BAD date movie. Save your money!

We rate theaters on the popcorn box system. Theaters are graded on cleanliness, movies offered, the staff, any special offers, location, and extras. Service and comfort are the top priorities.

Super Theater! Everything you need...
Great Theater, most of what you want...
Not so great, could use improvement...
This place is a DIVE, save your dough!


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